What can Birchmeier products be used for?
Our sprayers, foamers, dispensers and spreaders are suitable for professional and private use (home and garden, car etc.). They can also be used in a variety of other areas, e.g. industry, hygiene, cleaning, facility management, construction, agriculture and forestry, pest control, the automotive sector and many more.
Where can I buy a Birchmeier product?
Our products are available from wholesalers, specialist shops, department stores, garden centres, DIY stores, motoring shops, ironmongers or online shops operated by our dealers.
What sprayer, foamer or disperser do I need for what job?
Our online product selector helps you to find the right product depending on the application and your requirements (e.g. power, chemical resistance, size or accessories). Technical data, information when using a product for the first time, details of functions, operating instructions and more are available on the relevant product pages. Further information and advice are also available from your Birchmeier dealer.
What accessories are available for Birchmeier products?
Our wide range of practical accessories is tailored to a variety of product applications. They include nozzles in various materials and designs, valves, spray booms and spray hoods, practical extensions and telescopic pipes, special hand valves and even bend, double and swivel nozzle holders. You will find matching accessories on the relevant product pages on this website.
Where can I get spare parts?
From your Birchmeier dealer. You will find the spare parts for the current products in the product selector. You can print out details of the required parts and then purchase them from your Birchmeier dealer. You can also order any parts that are out of stock.
Are spare parts available for older products too?
Yes, spare and expendable parts for our products are available for up to 10 years after a product is discontinued.
Where can I have a Birchmeier product repaired?
Either via your dealer or at our repair centre in 5608 Stetten AG / Switzerland.
How often do I need to clean my sprayer?
Our products are designed to be durable, robust, and resistant to chemicals. In most cases, they are easy to use and clean. In certain cases, (e.g. when using pesticides or fertilisers, chemicals etc.), they must be cleaned thoroughly and maintained after each use. Be sure to follow the operating instructions. Check your sprayer regularly to ensure that everything is in order. The container, hoses, seals and components may age depending on how it is used. Timely maintenance and replacement of parts are important in order to ensure safe, reliable operation. To find out more, see our "Tips and tricks" page. Further details are available in the product information or from your dealer. Please also note the instructions provided by the manufacturer of the spray agents or chemicals.
How do I measure the correct amount of spray agent (e.g. pesticide)?
Be sure to follow the instructions for use provided by the manufacturer of the spray agent. For further information, see the "Tips and tricks" section. You will also find a conversion table there.
What do I do with any remaining solution?
Only mix the amount you need at the time. If you do have some solution remaining, dispose of it in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. It is better to use up pesticides by spraying rather than pouring them out somewhere. Under no circumstances should the remaining solution be allowed to enter sewers or waterways. It may be possible to save any remaining product for the next use. However, you should also bear in mind that diluted chemicals may have a limited storage life. Many chemicals become ineffective after just a few hours. To find out more, see our "Tips and tricks".
Do I need protective clothing/a protective mask when spraying?
Vapours, splashes or skin contact may be harmful. You should therefore be sure to observe the warnings on the pack! Always wear protective gloves and goggles when handling chemicals.
Are Birchmeier sprayers suitable for organic plant care too?
Yes, they are highly suitable. Organic spray agents or even solutions or tea that you have mixed yourself can be applied with the appropriate device. Please never mix solutions etc. in the sprayer itself as this can damage the device. You should also dilute spray agents in a separate container. To avoid clogging, always filter solutions or spray agents thoroughly. A special organic filter bag is available for the Flox, Iris, Senior, RPD and REC backpack sprayers.
What is the best treatment to eradicate weeds?
Herbicide treatments are most effective if the agent is applied under "vigorous growing conditions". For the next 24 hours, ensure that the solution is not washed off by rain or watering systems. Unlike with a watering can, spraying ensures that fine droplets adhere to the weeds, thus making the herbicide more effective. Spraying also reduces the harmful effects on the soil.
Depending on the application, use a spray hood and always work with a low pressure! This produces larger droplets and reduces unwanted drifting. Recommended sprayers: See the "Tips and tricks" section of this website.
How do I calculate the correct concentration?
You will find a concentration conversion table in our "Tips and tricks" section. Please also note the product information on the spray agent packaging.